
Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, formerly known as Macadamia Castle, is shifting towards becoming a bio-park, with the priority to respect, protect and enjoy Australian native wildlife.

Storm damage to the Sanctuary in the first half of 2022 led to the engagement of Paynter Dixon’s Insurance team.

Water ingress and damage to the main building saw our team undertake reinstatement works to the roof and ceiling.

Following the assembly of perimeter scaffolding, the damaged roof was removed and replaced in stages spanning approximately three metres. This approach not only ensured the building remained watertight throughout the course of the works, but also allowed roof framing upgrade works to be carried out in a controlled manner.

Located directly beneath the damaged roof, the Sanctuary’s retail area was temporarily closed to accommodate repair works, enabling the timely replacement of all Klip-Lok metal roofing, insulation and safety wire mesh.

The next stage will involve the replacement of damaged boundary fencing and the restoration of bitumen walking paths through the animal sanctuary. Carefully erected hoarding will play a key role in separating work areas from the operational Sanctuary.