
Local partnering

With more than a century of experience, Paynter Dixon takes pride in connecting with places and people.

Our way of partnering is centred on delivering broader outcomes – for the client, for the project delivery team, and the community.

This all-in approach grows long-term relationships, leading to repeat work and a committed presence in both metro and regional communities.

Consultants and subcontractors

We seek to connect with like-minded professionals who share our commitment to quality and safety. On design and construction projects large and small, our preference is to work with local consultants and subcontractors wherever possible.

The benefits ripple outwards. Opportunities for skilled trades goes towards supporting the local economy, maintaining local services, and creating valuable job opportunities.

Through project delivery with Paynter Dixon, local consultants and subcontractors can further their skills and experience.

Along the way, professional networking is strengthened within the local business community.


Local suppliers are an important aspect of community engagement. We source locally for projects from sole traders to large companies, collaborating with people who demonstrate responsible business and social practises.

In particular, we look for opportunities at key stages in a project life cycle, such as design finalisation. This win-win approach can support the local economy while also minimising project costs by reducing transport overheads.

In rural and remote locations, we partner with local governments and businesses, tailoring our activities to respond to the unique requirements of each community.

Partner with us for the long haul.

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