In clear site – Jake eyes construction career
From lecture rooms to construction sites. Jake Milic is on the tools and hitting the books.
The young gun has completed Paynter Dixon’s Cadet Program while studying a Bachelor of Construction with Western Sydney University. What does the future hold?
Hands on
Cadets learn on the job, rotating through disciplines of the business including design, estimating, contract administration and construction.
“I originally signed up to study architecture but realised it just wasn’t for me,” reflects Jake.
“I’m drawn to the whole process of how buildings are made, which is why Paynter Dixon has been a good fit.”
Jake was first placed with the site team delivering Club Parramatta Car Park. Over 7,000 cubic metres of concrete were poured for the inground car park in Parramatta’s CBD.
Given that ‘… most of my family pours concrete, starting with my Grandfather’, Jake found himself in seventh heaven.
“There is no substitute for experiencing construction on site, especially on this scale. What’s more, the team always helped me out. I could ask any question.”
Stepping up
Responsibility supercharged his learning.
“I was given tasks to complete from the outset, and that progressed to being in charge of various labourers and coordinating trades.”
Jake was then assigned to the Mater Private Hospital in North Sydney where major capital works are delivering a new palliative care facility and modernised Day Surgery Unit.
This time, he focused on contracts administration and learning how to procure trades. “I started slowly and was trained in our management systems and software.”
“It’s a vital area of project delivery because Paynter Dixon typically operates as the Head Contractor.”
“We continually partner with trustworthy subcontractors and suppliers. I’ve already built relationships with returning subbies. We understand and respect each other. It comes down to good communication.”
Supportive team
How about balancing study with work?
“As a Cadet I worked four days a week, with a day off for study.”
“A lot of our guys have either studied the same degree or completed their cadetship here – or both – and I’ve benefited from picking their brains along the way. For instance, our Contracts Manager is also a Bachelor of Construction graduate and has been a valuable touchstone on my course studies in contracts.”
Road ahead
The newly promoted Leading Hand is now coordinating site works at a Penrith-based school.
“I’m excited to be on site and seeing where this goes. I’d like to work my way up to Foreman, and hopefully to Project Manager.”
There’s support at home as well. “Yeah, my parents are happy. They say, ‘Whatever you’re passionate about, just go and do it.’”
“I take after Dad. He has an engineering background and is involved in the construction of new factories.”
“I’m still growing my leadership skills, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to do so at Paynter Dixon.”
“I always hope to have a smile on my face.”
Would you like to work with us? Learn more about our Cadet Program and job openings.
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