
Topping Out milestone for the Mater Hospital

May 17, 2024 | General

Paynter Dixon and the Mater Hospital in North Sydney have celebrated the Topping Out milestone of a major capital works project comprising The Ritchie Family Centre for Palliative and Support Care, and The Duncan Family Day Surgery Centre.

Marking the highest point of the new building under construction, the milestone has shone a light on the high standards of quality and safety underpinning construction works.

The occasion was marked by the presentation of a Kanooka gum sapling which will have a permanent home in the new hospital garden.

Reverend Dr Richard Francis (SJ) performed a Blessing of the gum sapling, and Paynter Dixon Construction Manager Jamie Vlatko presented the commemorative plaque to Dr Keith Hartman, Chair of the Friends of the Mater Foundation in appreciation of the donors.

Watch our video below:


Andrew Mereau, Acting General Manager and Director of Clinical Services, The Mater Hospital

“As the tree’s branches grow and reach out, so too will the arms of our staff with comfort, support and compassion for our patients and their families who journey through these new centres.”

“The tree will stand tall and strong, just as our staff and volunteers stand tall and strong upholding the Maters values of excellence, justice, integrity and compassion.”

Dr Keith Hartman, Chair of the Friends of the Mater Foundation

“I’d like to thank the people who were responsible for getting the building to the state it is now. Keith Lapthorne is the Project Manager extraordinaire around the Mater – and the Paynter Dixon Team have just been fantastic!”

Jamie Vlatko, Construction Manager, Paynter Dixon

“It’s more than a building, and we appreciate the responsibility. This milestone recognises 65,000 work hours from 876 inducted workers, more than 1,000 cubic metres of poured concrete, and 160 tonnes of installed structural steel.”

“The milestone is testament to the great partnership with the Mater Hospital and everyone involved in delivering this landmark project.”

Above: Representatives of the Duncan and Ritchie families with Dr Keith Hartman (holding the plaque).

Above: Reverend Dr Richard Francis (SJ) blesses the ceremonial tree and site.

Above: The project delivery team with dignitaries.